Jean du Plessis is a contemporary spiritual teacher and writer of several books in the Wayist tradition.
Jean and Adele (his soul-mate spouse of many decades) studied, learned, taught and worked in the field of transformative spirituality and spiritual energy healing for more than thirty years. They received seminary and university degrees in World Religions and Christian Theology, through part-time and evening studies. In Johannesburg, South Africa, the couple started and managed (for 10-years) several residential care programs for at-risk women and girls in the slums. During the 1990s, Jean delivered a paper that was published by the 1st International Conference on Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation, in Stockholm, Sweden. Together, Jean and Adele studied spirituality at ashram level and post-grad level in India, Vietnam and Cambodia, where they run an internationally renowned spiritual energy clinic and workshops under the name Wayist Spiritual Energy Center ( ).
Their combined expertise in life-transforming spirituality and presenting workshops to thousands of people on the Butterfly Path, is evident in their books.
Jean is chairperson of International Association of Wayist Organisations, registered in Canada as a not-for-profit organization–working on training teachers in the Butterfly Path and in spiritual energy healing.

Other Books by Jean du Plessis
Jean edited the English-language compilation of Wayist books published as The Eastern Bible. He was editor of the 10-year project to research and compile the book, WAYISM: The Primary Text. Jean wrote an historical novel Universal Gateway of Enlightenment, based on the life and times of Teacher Jesus (as his story is told in ancient India): as an avatar of the senior spiritual being Avalokiteshvara, who in Chinese Buddhism is known as Guanyin–also identified with Lord Vishnu in Hiduism. When Jean needs a break, he writes children’s books (CSCI: The Murderous MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front)). Jean has written hundreds of articles on spirituality and spiritual energy healing.
Jean and Adele are working with editor Shaunna Dalhberg and a team of volunteers to bring to publish (during 2020) a self-help course on spiritual energy healing, called Pranamayati, and a book on Karmin Active Meditation, and the self-care book Be Kind to Your Caterpillar.